Welcome to my Blog! As you may have guessed, this blog started out as an experiment, but has turned into a way of living. It is mostly about food, but I reserve the right to share or rant or even point the odd finger. I hope you find it entertaining! I encourage your comments and questions!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Breakfast Mac Muffin

While in Toronto I came upon some tempeh...  it's not easy to find around here.  I was so excited to make tempeh bacon!  I found a recipe in The Vegan Table for tempeh bacon.... and watched a how to make tempeh bacon video by Colleen herself. I was totally prepared.  So I cut my tempeh into bacon sized slices, and steamed it for 10 minutes to remove the bitterness.  Then I marinated my tempeh in a mixture of soy sauce, maple syrup, liquid smoke and water for about an hour or so and fried it up with the marinade.

While the tempeh was marinating, I prepared some crustless mini quiches.  I modified a recipe that I found on fatfreevegan.com (http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/2006/12/mini-crustless-tofu-quiches.html) and replaced the chives with shallots.  Delicious...  mushrooms, red pepper, thyme....  Cooking them in muffin tins makes them just the right size...  and they cook faster than a large quiche.

To assemble the sandwich, we toasted our English muffins, added a bit of vegan mayonaise, layered on some tempeh bacon, a mini quiche and a tad of spinach and viola!!  Our delicious vegan version of the breakfast MacMuffin.

Bon Apetit!!

Tempeh on Foodista

1 comment:

  1. That's a delicious way to serve tempeh :)I followed you from the foodie blog roll and I'd love to guide Foodista readers to your site. I hope you could add this tempeh widget at the end of this post so we could add you in our list of food bloggers who blogged about recipes for tempeh,Thanks!
