Welcome to my Blog! As you may have guessed, this blog started out as an experiment, but has turned into a way of living. It is mostly about food, but I reserve the right to share or rant or even point the odd finger. I hope you find it entertaining! I encourage your comments and questions!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Cabinets Have Arrived!

It was 33 degrees and sunny today, and I spent the day at Calypso water park with my son's class.  There were only about 10 schools there, and there were no line ups.  A great time, but it was exhausting and I'm very sunburned, even though I wore 30 sunscreen.  Ouch.

On Wednesday they delivered most of the cabinetry.  The kitchen is packed!  There are narrow passages to maneuver through the room and just enough space for the guys to get some work done.  But it is going more quickly now.  They have spent almost a day and a half working and the lower cabinets against one wall, the island cabinets and some of the upper cabinets have been put in!  It's very exciting to watch things progressing right now. 

Here's the island!!

When we got home from Calypso, I called George the granite guy to let him know the bottom cabinetry was in.  This evening he came to take the templates for the counter tops.  He says he will be installing on Tuesday or Wednesday!!  Amazing!!  Now I'll have to call Nick to put the cooktop in right after that.  Then I'll be back in business!!  YES!!  I'm really impressed with his efficiency!!

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