Welcome to my Blog! As you may have guessed, this blog started out as an experiment, but has turned into a way of living. It is mostly about food, but I reserve the right to share or rant or even point the odd finger. I hope you find it entertaining! I encourage your comments and questions!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Thanksgiving Meal Planning

The leaves are falling, the geese are migrating and Thanksgiving is just around the corner.  And with Thanksgiving comes..... the family meal.  This year, I am dreading it.  My mother has a way of making me feel like I am being a pain in the butt with my refusal to eat like a normal human being.  She has absolutely no idea how to feed me.  She can't even imagine a meal without animal products of some kind.   And I think she feels I am somehow depriving my children, so she brings them over chicken wings and cheese slices! 

I know it's not her fault.  She grew up with a diet rich in meat and cheese.  She was taught that you had to get your protein from animal products and your calcium from milk.  She has given up trying to convince me that a vegetarian diet is not healthy, but when it comes to family meals, she is at a loss.

I suggested a potluck style meal and told her I would bring some dishes.  And she has agreed to put aside some mashed potatoes without dairy.  Fair enough.  So now I need to find some festive holiday vegan dishes that will convince my family that food can be tasty without animal products.  I can rise to the challenge!  I'm thinking sweet potatoes, stuffed squash, spinach dip in a pumpernickle loaf, vegetable strudle...  I just checked the label for frozen puff pastry and it is vegan!   Heck, I just finished making chocolate chip cookies!!  And they are mighty tasty if I do say so myself.  The test will be whether there are any left at the end of the day tomorrow!!  All those new cookbooks will come in mighty handy!

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